Dragon of Spirit

The following poem is a spiritual journey that I have been prompted by my muse, a Dragon of Cobalt Blue to pen and share with all who will read or listen.
Before you begin to read, close your eyes, clear your mind of all mundane input and thoughts; put on some soothing music, light some lavender incense and prepare to meet one of the Dragons of Power. Learn her songs, her colors, her 'dragon speak'...
Spectrum of colors sew
Dragon spirit rainbows
Orange tired scrolls - thy wyrd
As red as the double-edged sword
Arrow is yellow for intent
The forest green she invents
Oak tree leaves
In the breeze
Contrasts baby blue sky
Answering questions why
In deep indigo
Magick runes show
For scarlet are her eyes
Rose in color when she cries
Surprise brings a gentle peach
With golden green together reach
To see thee through turquoise
Flight perfect is she in poise
The Strong
Ice Crystal
Thy Song
Magnetically charged
Awareness at large
Druidic murals
Beyond the whistle
Wings vibrate fires
Waters of many desires
Cauldrons nurture
Children’s futures
So we craft our next place
In our volatile race
Between time
And tomorrows climb
So Sings the Songs
The Dragon of Spirit