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Abstract Surface

Escape and Pain Go Hand In Hand

We are the walkers between the worlds upon the precipice of time

Sisters of the Moonbeams, we dance along the precarious fault line,


That promises to cause great change and in the aftermath

We pick up the pieces of humanity, will give cause to laugh


Turning the ugly into beautiful with a wave of our magickal wand

Bringing forth the growth of many life forms with unspoken bond.


Loving all unconditionally with all we are and could ever be

For all is born, from its very first breath; alive and free!


Never shall we be subservient nor slave

We multiply from ripple to large tidal wave!


We will not capitulate; no matter what they do to us~~

For we withstand menial torture and remain luminous


As we are,

have always been,

and will always be;


Free Spirits of the

purest light

and energy~~


Light flows into us~

Light flows through us~

Light flows from us~


For we are




Light and Energy!

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