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Gaea Dragon Blue

Gaea Dragon Blue
00:00 / 01:31

Gaea, Gaea Dragon Blue,

How do I be true?
To you...

When I know my path to be strewn;
with obstacles in all I do.

My children have left my hearth,
my inner self needs rebirth,
Replenishing the cauldron of my soul,
Allowing confidence through my walk to show...

The light that I try to keep within my life;
Seems dimmer these days and filled with quiet.
A deadly silence ~ that I hesitate to break;
in these lonely hours of the silence I partake.

The dreams of my inner witch
are far from my reach...

My spirit for leaving cries;
as the inner child whimpers and sighs...

Where do we go from here?
Embracing all I hold dear,
continuing this journey that I seek to abandon through death.
Easing my pain I often make this my frequent request.

But ye do not see and will not let it be~

For I have not yet reached this journey's end;
so that into the white light my spirit will send...

My cries go unheard ~
To bring me home ~ is this so absurd?
I seek thy bosom where I wish to lie,
when all is done here for me and mine.

When will it be ~
that ye will set me free?
Thy wisdom is greater than that of this feeble human;
who dwells in thy sacred light and holds communion.

May I someday know of thy reason
when the time has come for the season...

Seek I do ~ to understand.




Author's Note: Once again, you'll find no perfect rhyme, but that is not why I wrote this pen. This is a reflection of my life and why I must continue to live on this earth when everything I love is gone. Enjoy it, absorb it, but please do not dissect it. It is prose after all.

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