Flight Through Storms
Homesick for the rolling green hills of soft emerald
Mists of fog, drifting in across the range, of frolicking fields.
The dark mossy castle, looming up suddenly from the gloom,
Grey, dark ash and silver clouds cuddled together like a loom
Allowing streaks of lightening to pulse and beat
Through the puffs gathering as if in defeat.
The rain began to pitter-patter on the leaves of oak trees
Covering the forest in lines glittering fronds of green.
The thunder began to roll off the distant hills
Becoming louder at each valley’s end and fields.
Like the earth was quaking from her core
As vibrations meander, then more
Waves of sound, rat-a-tat with a boom-da-da-boom,
Lightning rents the sky, smoke rising in plumes.
The storm producing magickal energy ten fold
As the high winds lift and drop, colliding hot and cold.
The blue dragon glides with grace completely enraptured
By the wild display of emotion she has observed.
From a planet longing to fulfill it’s final feat
Calling this finally done, over and complete
She was filled with Gaea’s despair of dying slowly
Painfully aware of poisons in her veins coldly
To smother her life giving force, that provides for all,
By the only species that was given the call
To nurture and protect her as they were sworn to do
Then dishonoring the sacred pact to pursue …
The lust for power,
For gold,
For letting of blood,
Becoming death.
No chance
For rebirth,
As life was stripped
And they kept
To the path of tyranny and destruction
As the Id, the ego was not perfection.
“Aye,” The blue dragon began to sigh warily
“How will I save this planet from humanity?”