Go By What Ye Know

Like a subtle but obvious lullaby
Her spirit emits a long, shuddering cry.
Singing; her heart falls with abandon
Mimicking love, as if reactions in random
Chaos might meet and flow
With one she has and will know.
In this plane and in the next dimension
Her demons’ slain as she rises in levitation
Crossing her ‘T’s and carefully dotting her ‘I’s
Innate knowledge leads her without a why
in confusing
Or awaiting
In confirmation.
Of facts she does; but should not know
Unlocked with her bloodline's keys to flow…
Never ending
Forever sending
In synapses, eliminating the warmth of blue,
Unable to use diplomacy to try and subdue
The raw, stark emotional logic
Of being alone; surrounded by magick.
Seeking others of like mind and thought
Articulation of her diction comes to naught
But the inevitable heat of her desire
Create a dark vortex within the fire
As the passion that lights her eyes
dances with an indigo flame that cries
understanding – in kindred comfort.
She discovers hypocrisy and tries to assent
the words she knows to be true
the actions she knows are honorable too.
Only to fall short of her own ideals
As into a whirlwind of emotion she steals
One golden moment of a memory; all she receives
For offering and giving all she is, for what she needs.
“STOP!” She says aloud to ‘self’
“Go by what ye know!” as in a mind meld
With her ancestors' and spirit guide's suggestion
For the most incredible, astounding revelation…
She is too much in the spiritual realm
To be earthly good for the soul at the helm.
The fourth dimension of time does not forgive
Nor does it concern itself that she will live,
Allowing ‘self’ to be led seriously astray
Down the path where others deceive and play
With one’s heart and love intensely emotional
Destroying the inner child for motivational
Selfishness in Darkness, ill intent and
maliciously ignorant to harm
Another, because of course they can;
as trust betrays the one to disarm,
and dismantles the shield and armor worn with a purpose.
Her reason for survival; hoping for mutual togetherness,
Ascending in an upward spiral of the life force energy
Touching all with soft caresses in nurturing synergy.
Somewhere along her path of due
She lost the bright opalescent hue
Of determination and the ability to feel alive
As her calculating, yet ‘seeing’ mind
Tries so very hard within to find
A goodness to bring beauty forth
Into the atmosphere of Earth to sort
Through all the illness and disease
Of rancid war as ‘she’ gives to please
Without expectations of payment returned—
or deception as in cruelty it burned
out the soul of humanity
within the laws of scarcity.
“STOP!” she said to ‘self’ aloud
“Go by what ye know!” in a silver cloud
“Not by what ye need.” ~ for in doing so—
“Ye evoke the greed.” ~ of those who will slow
our cycled journey with destination to a screeching halt
Giving them the weapon they need to win the assault
In this battle and the stinking war on love
Leaving only pestilence, below and above…
“Go by what ye know!”
I have been diagnosed as Bi-polar I and Personality disorder. Though I do not believe this is so, I live with it day in and day out. This pen is about my inner turmoil and how someone could possibly think I am mentally ill. I believe because I have more synapses activity in my brain, and use both sides to think and feel, that those who had me diagnosed where extremely jealous because they could not and believe me to be smarter than they are. Their plan to eliminate me from their evil game worked. There you have it, there it is and so it goes...
© Sep 2011, Maylynn Hughes