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Tree Lined Path

Honor is a Path Walked Cold

We all walk this path alone

As we must pass into our home

Evolving at our own earned pace

With karmic debt a constant race.


Some of us are blessed with kindred spirits along our way.

Some of us are blessed with siblings who do mean what they say.

Then others are given the divine gift of true love to have and to hold.

Some are blessed with pain, abuse, acid rain of a psyche burned to mold …


That could never hold or shape them, though they feel the worthless lot

And wonder why theirs is a life as the victim they do not want.


However, sometimes, when a human searches their soul for

the reason they live,

They find that if the blessings they received were not

lessons they could not yet give.


What does not kill you will definitely make you stronger,

I myself repeat this cliché as my years get longer.

If I had not survived the nightmares of my childhood,

I could not live in light innately as noble and good.


If I were a spoiled child, given everything I own,

Served all I wanted on a silver spoon, I would not have grown.

Then I would not be able to touch the lives I do today,

To bring the light and comfort of our Mother home to stay.


My sister appeared to me in a dream about a year ago.

We were sitting under a large tree in green, soft grass toe to toe,

But before I could ask her why we were in front of the church

She stood up with a stack of rolled scrolls from under her perch.


And started to walk away speaking with another I knew

Though I did know them, as to their name I had not a clue.

I protest to my sister about her leaving without speaking to me.

She turned full around to spew forth to me crossly, almost angrily,


“Sit down, shut up and take your blessings!” I was upset at her tone.

Not to mention she was walking away leaving me quite alone.

I replied in the same haughty voice, “I did not ask for any blessings!”

She hit me on top of the head with two of the rolled scrolls she was holding.


She said almost in a whisper, as she let the scrolls drop to open

“Yes you did. See? I am their keeper, here are two pages of them,

And you should realize by now that they are not always meant for you.”

With that she turned on her heel and continued on with the other brew


Of conversing with one I knew, but who’s name I could not recall.

I perceived she was correct; I was blessed even in a bad fall.

My strife, despair and pain sometimes were to give another a chance;

Fulfill their destiny giving them one last straw at the heart’s dance.



To take the path in the light of blue,

Becoming one with the chosen few.


That when we passed from this life we had earned our right to elevate,

Transcend spirals of evolution on our own path and create

Our own worlds of forgiveness and devotion in unconditional love,

Because in honor and integrity we are balanced below and above.


Lonely a path of truth and justice will always be,

If not for our tragic experience, we could never be free.

When your loneliness starts to drive you mad

Reach me in the mundane, my love you have.


Kindred spirit sister of the humanity realm and in this the third dimension;

Are my source of inspiration whenever I feel the well dry up in dissension.

Remember we are all on our path alone,

As we must be to finally return home.



Love & light

in every

Shade & Hue

of the

Color Blue~


As I bow low in a curtsy, with my fingertips pressed together in the shape of a triangle, eyes looking up into yours, I utter a single word…












© Apr 2008, Maylynn Hughes

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