Ivy ~ Gort
Perennial aspect of the human psyche
The dark side of the Moon and realm of Faery
Gift from the Lunar Goddess for determination
Mysterious and mystical in its representation.
Assists in the art of the seer to see and in prophecy
With a denseness difficult to penetrate in closed tendencies
A force to be reckoned with in strength and in growth
Spreading to flourish in rock and fertile earth both.
A host must support the vine with inner resources to glean.
The Ivy is a member of the ginseng family and an evergreen.
Many species choose to nest in Gort, prefer it to other shrubs
It is the only plant that will not make walls damp and mold to rub.
Ivy people have a quiet type faith,
Believe natural order is the way
Respect balance and loyalty
As they accept responsibility.
They are very sensitive and with others need to link,
To learn that all is intertwined as they pen their ink.
Masculine and the color of Sky Blue
Chieftain is their class and shadowed hue.
In magick they possess healing and protection
As they exorcise baneful energies in cooperation.
Semi-precious Opal is Queen of Gems and Hope
And the Ivy’s own stone as a seer's mirror and rope,
To the possibilities in clarity of emotions
A token of purity and of divine unions.
The Ivy’s flower is the Woody Nightshade
Known as Bittersweet and as Blue Hate.
Veiling Persephone is the moon it gathers
Silver Wheel of the Stars as it is the keeper.
Symbol of retribution in life of karmic debt
Insures the time sown is what is reaped and met.
The Goose, the Bore, the Butterfly
Are its animal aspects to reason why.
Prophetic knowledge and the power of the Faery
Are its cousins with the animal totems to query.
The ivy has many powers of the masculine energy
The solar light of our earth it reaches with tenacity.