Hang in there with me sunshine!
What we have; what’s yours and mine,
We will defend ourselves and win this fight.
I’ll not stop until they recognize our rights!
Evidence strong gathering in hand,
We’ll be ready to make our stand.
Every day our case gets stronger;
He can’t keep us apart much longer.
I know it feels like we’re coming in last.
But courts and lawyers never move fast.
Hang in there with me; chin up my sunshine!
We’ll have returned to us; what’s yours and mine.
Patience my love; we will persevere.
A couple more weeks to face our fear.
I too, am on edge in anticipation,
That soon our tears will be of elation.
We’ll see justice served and finally--
We three; will be together again and free!
Hang in there with me; chin up my sunshine!
We’ll have returned to us; what’s yours and mine.
Very soon – it will be our time!
Author's Note:
I wrote this after hanging up from a call to my 10 year old daughter who on more than one occasion has asked me “who is defending my rights?” in this custody battle. That is one question I want to put to the judge come my day in court. What about her rights?
Nerves End