As the acclaimed veteran
Of platoon numbered eleven
Slowly crossed the median
His senses now deadened
Remembers the Perdition
Of another’s ambition
Causing his rank to mitigate
No more does he negotiate…
Nor does he live in harmony
With his country’s
now sworn enemy
'Tis only his Duty
to carry
out his orders of blasphemy
In a tide of hatred and litany
He hears the bowels of his comrade splatter
Knows without seeing this matter
That the lost body in tatters
Will become nothing
Senseless Chatter
The loud scream of the bazooka
Playing the part of Judah
Lying still
awaiting in sabotage
His troupes only camouflage
In the green forest of Oz
Amongst this bloody entourage
In transit
Turns into it
Down to the ground with a swoop
Seeking and destroying the coupe
The acclaimed veteran relives
the horrific days of war
Often he wonders
What for?

Platoon Eleven