Naked without thought of disguising a treacherous lair
oviparous as only one to bring forth and to bear
elevating itself above the rest of our close clan
eliminating any impediment to withstand
anchored amongst us, we the sad inferior
distorted in its sense of being superior
neutralizing conviction
tainting our free volition
introverts our sense of direction
wanting to witness our resurrection
We Are
Nominal species of the moment in the future
Denoted by a category as singular
Lewd and vile; as much despicable
Travesty and at once, predictable
God –created in our image
Leering about and awaiting the dead
establishing himself as our godhead
loitering and antsy about what he had done
yanking upon his own chain to add the total sum
Alluring us with half-truths and illusions
trusting our subconscious—in loud percussion
orbiting our minds with dogma and deep confusion
unappeased; nor pacified with our constitution
whispering nonsense loud enough to cause dissent
hailing to us from within as if from afar and bent
iniquity to the nth degree
learning about us so easily
Created in Our Image