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Maylynn Hughes
May 27, 2024
In Poetry
Beyond the stars of the range A splash of hell, a current of strange Bitter water drips distantly in the darkness like the bittersweet memories of yesteryear in times of era's passed. That one can re-live and does! Over and Over again, In the sad, sardonic halls of memory of all that we have been and all that we could be all that we will never see Caught betwixt and between the Now the Past the Future Forever more... it seems. But when those seams split apart and the dimensions of man changes direction The Fire The Light The Earth The Water Reform without us and our perception screeches past the world into our impotent imagination with tilted and tainted vision. Our paradigms hinder our aspirations; to become one! Yes, just ONE ENTITY! Of this sacred light and energy. Without labels or compartments or departments of capitalist greed. Marching behind closed eyes; shuddering sighs as we continue to cling to the superficial the material the obsession with power to Plunder to Rape Our One Spirit! Where have all the flowers gone?
Maylynn Hughes
May 27, 2024
In Articles
by Maylynn Hughes 09/19/20 How did George Washington way back then, 200+ years ago know that we were going to get to this point? I was going through my binders trying to find one I could recycle and came across my study pages from the Hillsdale College, Constitution 101. In the expected reading material for Lecture 5, “To Secure These Rights”, was the Farewell Address by George Washington. Page 141 starting at paragraph 25, I read the following:   “The Unity of Government which constitutes you one people is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main Pillar in the Edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquility at home; your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very Liberty which you so highly prize."   "But as it is easy to foresee, that from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively, (though often covertly and insidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation in jealous anxiety; discountenancing parity; whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can in any event be abandoned and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our Country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts."   "For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to You, in your national capacity, must always exalt in the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discrimination. With slight shades of difference, you have the same Religion, Manners, Habits and political Principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together. The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils, and joint efforts; of common dangers, sufferings and successes.”   He was so right! Almost prophetic. This America, this country of people that call themselves Americans, have something so unique, so special and yes its bonds are sacred, that to not have pride of Patriotism is of a grave injustice to each and every one of us. This man who led our first army into war for our life, liberty and freedom, did so at much cost to himself, his family and his fellow soldiers. A man who was highly esteemed by all who knew him, was made the first President of the United States of America, and was deeply coerced by his peers to serve two terms, says it more eloquently than any scholar could say.  I am awed by his ability to see into the hearts and minds of men, and to know,  that what we do not cherish daily, we will lose.   These people were so inspired, and driven with determination to make this happen, to manifest this great country of ours, that they were touched by the divine to see the light clearly in the dark and the dead of the night and in the death of winter. He persevered and prospered, living his life with passion and a reason to give him direction. He had the foresight of what his calling was, what he needed to do, and how he was going to do it, and shared that inspiration with our ancestors and with us.   I salute you George Washington. Thank you for leading the people to create the greatest country ever conceived on this planet.
Maylynn Hughes
May 27, 2024
In Articles
A long time ago a country was born with an aim of all are created equal. It took us a hundred plus years to see that happen, but happen it did eventually. We have never been perfect, but what country is? If we aim for our ideals is that not what we are? Somewhere along the way the people got lazy and uninterested in fulfilling their civic duty to keep our political stage clean. If we want We the People to govern, then we need to do so and not let the politician do what he wants, but give our consent for all actions. We have forgotten that We the People rule. What this means is we are the boss. But if we don't tell the politicians what to do, they do as they wish, instead. To quote a relative of mine, “Freedom is Everybody's Job!” So unless we want to allow this country to be driven off a cliff into the abyss, we need to wake up and realize, we the people are in charge, so we need to start acting like it. What have you done to take personal responsibility for the election of representatives in congress? What about our governors or sheriffs? Our school boards and town committees? Have you tried to self govern and elect whom you think will do a good job? We were given a system of self governance. It was bequeathed to us and we have let it fall. Yes our politicians are corrupt, but we allowed them to be so, because we take no interest in what they do or what we do to make it all better or worse. If we don't hold them accountable for their actions, they commit the same crimes again. It's time we the people took an inventory of ourselves and then of our leaders that we elect. Then we need to decide if we want to keep our liberties and freedoms or let our government make all the decisions for us. Just remember the many that have died for our freedoms, the many that have died to keep this country intact. What would they want us to do with our country? What did they die for if not for freedom and liberty? Inspired by: "The stories and sacrifices typical of those who risked everything to sign the Declaration of Independence. These men were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged:" "For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." ---- © Oct '23, Maylynn Hughes --political • country • patriotism • our-history We just need to convince people it's past time to get up, stand up, and speak up or they will be shut up, for good.
Maylynn Hughes
May 27, 2024
In Articles
Our national debt is climbing towards $40 TRILLION DOLLARS. Due to the inability of Democrats to stop spending our money. Or I should say STEALING our money. The O'Biden (Biden as a puppet of Obamma) administration has shut down our energy industry and is selling off our Emergency Oil Reserves for political purposes to make himself look better before the election.  He is also signing up for treaties with the WHO for enforcement of policy in the next pandemic, and the UN (United Nations) for the smalls arms treaty. He is not taking into consideration that the Senate must ratify these treaties with two thirds of the states. This is in our constitution but it would not be the first time he has violated our constitution. The Democrats, and the RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) are covertly censoring us, also a violation of our constitution. The Democrat FBI and CIA are spying on all of us constantly, once again a violation of our constitution. O'Biden is fighting and funding a war in Ukraine without a Declaration of War, approved by Congress. He and his democrat Homeland Security are aiding and abetting our enemies in the invasion of our southern border. This is also unconstitutional. In the Constitution in Article II Section 3....The President shall take care that the LAWS be faithfully executed.... hence, the executive branch of government. This means all laws, and the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. The O'Biden regime is breaking the law every single day. He has also taken bribes from foreign agents selling influence on United States policy. Bribes from China especially, who is our mortal enemy, (we have the receipts on these bribes) and bribery is traitorous as well as an impeachable offense. The democrats kiss China's ass, and are handing our country over to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) on a silver platter.

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Divorce From The Democrats
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Maylynn Hughes
May 27, 2024
In Articles
Americans have grit. To steal a phrase from Billy Joel: “We ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud. We might be laughing a bit too loud, but that never hurt no one...” That's why we do not tolerate tyranny. Ever! This Biden regime, or should I say the O'Biden regime must be gutted from the top down. The 'elites' need to be devalued and put in their place, under no uncertain terms. They, we, NEED accountability. They have not just stolen our money, lied to us, enriched themselves by laundering large amounts of our tax money, so they did not have to report where the money went, they have sold us out, hook, line and sinker to the CCP and then have colluded with Communist infiltrators, plotted and planned on having three quarters of the entire planet dead and removed from the earth as common 'eaters'. They have mandated our children have the COVID kill shot before being allowed to go to school, demanding our military, highly trained personnel, either take the jab or be decommissioned with a dishonorable discharge. They've weakened our military with WOKE and transgender bullshit, they have sterilized our reproduction system, and are destroying our children's chance of ever having children by mutilating their bodies with 'transgender care' and sterilizing their reproductive organs with chemicals and hormones. They've given us blood clots through mandated C.O.V.I.D. kill shots (I refuse to call it a vaccine.). COVID-19 equals Certificate of Vaccination I.D.-AI --- 19 = AI because in numerology 1=A & 9=I. All this to ensure most of the people on the planet have had their death jab. The blood clots they are giving us are like rubber in our veins, and will kill us with a heart attack or stroke. They've taken over our medical care with big pharma being the recipient of the good fortune of keeping us ill, all the time. They're selling our farmland to China-CCP, and I would not be surprised if they had their bullies, Antifa and BLM burn down Food processing plants, so those of us that escape the kill shot, will die of starvation. They've already told the farmers they can't use fertilizer to grow their crops any more or use the gasoline powered machines that till the earth and enable them to mass produce food for the United States and the world. They have taken everything and anything that has meaning in our lives and shit all over it, or used it as toilet paper. They've insulted us, called us names that they, themselves really are. They have taken over our schools, teaching our children to hate their parents, hate their country, as well as their religion and themselves. They have taken over our media, our entertainment industry, our court systems, and destroyed them. Teaching and repeating over and over their lies and deceit. Our sovereignty, our personal sovereignty and integrity is the only thing standing in their way to complete and total powered control and the annihilation of the human race as a species. And now they are trying to take that too, by giving the power to the W.H.O., The World Health Organization, to enforce we the people to obey all laws they decide to make us live by, when they release another virus into our societies. When that happens, COVID policies will seem like child's play. They have also taken our vote away from us by cheating and stealing every election they can get their hands on. When I hear the news, no matter what legacy channel is broadcasting, it's the same gas lighting on every channel, like they are all reading a script. The same script. They make me sick with their arrogance, their deceit and lies. How can you tell they are lying? They open their mouths. And their voices are all whining about how scared they are that democracy will cease to exist. Maybe their idea of democracy, “All for them and none for us” democracy, will end I hope. By the way, we are not a democracy, we are a Democratic Republic. They don't deserve, nor do they have a right or reason to put themselves above us. But they do. They keep intentionally forgetting; “government is instituted by the people to protect our divine given rights” and that is their ONLY job. They only have one. To protect the American people. They are whom we need protection from. They have nothing but contempt for us as 'the people'. They have committed horrific crimes against us. It's time they were confronted by us, and took responsibility for their actions and crimes against humanity. If not now, then when? If not by you, me, us; then by whom? We need to get mad, really angry, put our foot down and refuse to take their tyranny any longer. We can never surrender, take no prisoners, and we can never, ever give up. We win, if we don't ever give up. There is no compromise. They win or we do. We are the many, they are the few. They will continue to abuse us, we the people, only as long as we, the people, allow them to. There you have it, there it is and so it goes.
Maylynn Hughes
Mar 01, 2022
In Articles
I have a conspiracy theory about everything on this planet that has too much said or not enough said about it that may or it might be a coincidence. There is no such thing as coincidence in my book. The truth is usually too fantastic to believe by most and the lies are always so pat that only a fool would believe them. Let’s start with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Do you really think that a ‘super’ bullet entered one man’s leg, bounced off the dash to hit Kennedy in the left side and then bounced off the seat behind him to the final blow on the top of his head, practically scalping him? Harvey Oswald, his supposed assassin, was a poor un-educated man, and did not have the means financially or mentally to follow Kennedy’s election trail to have timed his being where he was at, to actually pull the trigger on the gun that missed Kennedy. He was the fall guy, until he realized they were going to execute him, instead of deporting him as promised, and before he could spill his guts, they killed him. Very clean, contracted and efficient kill that one was. Both John F. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated by contracts paid for by the C.I.A., J.E. Hoover (director of the C.I.A) who was briefing George Bush Sr. in November 1963. Kennedy was pulling us out of Vietnam, and Vice President Johnson signed his signature along with the director and Bush who was a top agent of the C.I.A. contract to have him and his brother eliminated. Motive? His family and several of his lobbyist buddies had invested heavily in the munitions industry, our largest export at the time. (Still is today) Not to mention the civil rights issues that were being amended by both Kennedy brothers to our constitution. Next in history, we have Richard Nixon. Republican war monger but not guilty of anything more than any other politician at the time, but Dick made a lot of enemies, for his skills at diplomacy were as subtle as a box of rocks. He took office in the middle of a losing battle and covertly tried to win a war that could not be won. It was not about winning, protecting America or anyone’s civil rights being established in Vietnam, it was about Shell Oil and our munitions industry stock holders. All of the truth was buried in patriotic propaganda that killed millions of people. He resigned before his second term was up and clumsy Gerald Ford took over as V.P. for the remainder of his term. Mr. Ford was a puppet on many strings and never played the part well of being pulled in too many directions at one time. Then came Jimmy Carter, someone in our history of presidents I consider to be one of the most compassionate and intelligent men in the presidential office. He was a bio physicist, but his brother was a peanut farmer, who was also a womanizer that drank too much and scandalized his name every time he turned around. He still rolls up his sleeve in his humanitarian efforts of Habitat for Humanity to help homeless families. Do you remember the oil crisis? My boss, who was a CPA told me at the time, (I believe him more today than I did then) that there was no oil crisis, and driving 55 was just another way to put the reigns on the rebel American icon. Our government thought it was necessary after the sixties, the summer of love, Woodstock and the sexual revolution, with L.S.D. being used in experimentation by our pentagon and the military on the youth of our nation. Kent State University in Ohio also happened in the late sixties where flower children (9 college students aged 18-23) were blown away for placing a daisy in the tip of the rifles being held by the crowd control military personnel present at a peaceful assembly in exercise of the first amendment to our constitution. Now let us fast forward to the “Don’t worry, Be happy” motto of the Reagan tenure where every social program that helped the poor, disadvantaged and minority people of this country actually help themselves with education and job skills instead of taking a welfare hand out was cancelled so that we could once again build our military. He quadrupled our national debt and ended the cold war between Russia and the U.S. with the Star Wars billion dollar space station laser system that showed its efficiency in the Challenger Shuttle mission that exploded on national television right before our very eyes. When questioned, his bad acting betrayed him as he replied; “I don’t recall.” Reagan went along and played his hand well with the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not a government agency and has been ripping us off for over 100 years. After researching several sites, this is what I have found in the facts of the Federal Reserve Bank: the conspirators already had their Bill drafted and this artificial banking panic lead to the passing of the Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Act of 1908. This Act, while taking measures to address the supposed banking problems, more importantly to the conspirators set up the National Monetary Commission. This commission, consisting of 16 Congressman hand-picked by Aldrich, was charted to study monetary systems and recommend long term solutions to the Nations "banking problems". In November of 1910, the conspirators of the Federal Reserve Bank where planning for their grand coup. They came together at Jekyl Hunt Club, Jekyl Island, Georgia, to plan the take over of the American government. Those in attendance included: 1. Senator Aldrich, 2. Nelson Rockefeller's maternal grandfather; A. Piatt Andrew, 3. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Frank Vanderlip, 4. President of the National City Bank of New York, 5. Paul Moritz Warburg, a German who was acting under orders from and financed by the Rothchild family; and 6. Benjamin Strong, an aid of J.P. Morgan; and a host of 6 others, representing the power elite of the banking world. Now that we are most assuredly bankrupt with first the four years of Bush I, “Desert Storm” who was elected on the coat tails of Ronald Reagan, and then the Clinton administration, both performing behind the scenes, covert war efforts and policies in the middle east and then 9/11 in the Bush II and Cheney administration with the treasonous acts of the two towers that imploded, they did not explode, this was an inside job, and the weapons of mass destruction that never did exist as a reason to wage war on first Afghanistan and then Iraq and soon to be Iran, we will be, by the end of this decade a third world, impoverished nation. The writing is on the subway walls, in the tenant halls, and what was once a great nation that as a global power abused its power in arrogance and committed the crime of invading another country for personal gain of the few who reaped the rewards, will fall as Rome once did, for the very same reasons. “There’s a man standing right in front of you, holding a bomb as all the believers stand behind him and smile.”--dmb This takes me to the conspiracy theory that I have held as my opinion since 1984; there are twelve people, plus one on this planet that control the world money. As such they dictate who will be the leader of what country to further their end of controlling the masses. They do not care how they do so, who dies or how much blood is shed to make it so, and with biblical hysteria, and false fear of national security, they are stripping our rights away with every passing minute. There is a 13th who is the leader of these twelve and the ‘power’ is getting ready to change the guard. These few who rule the world, hand pick their replacements to keep the power and the money in the hands of these families and corporations. We need to open our eyes as a nation and see what we will be in a very short period of time, if we do not take a stand and stop the Federal Reserve and the I.R.S. from bankrupting our country and enslaving us to their dynasty for many hundreds of years to come. There you have it, there it is, and so it goes … ​ ​ ​ Inspired by contest for Controversies and Conspiracies ​ ​
Maylynn Hughes
Mar 01, 2022
In Articles
Critical Race Theory's Three Beliefs My Replies 1. There is no absolute truth—only competing narratives. It sees “lived experiences” as mattering more than facts. ​ My Answer: Nothing matters more than facts. Feelings and Thoughts are NOT facts, they are feelings and thoughts. They are merely a personal, completely subjective reflection of facts. Lived experiences? These pushers of Critical Race Theory are not 80 year old people with a lifetime of systemic racism oppressing them all of their life. These are children that have no clue what a tough life really is. They don't know our history as America, the many changes we've seen and they just don't seem to know that our Constitution is the only thing between us and complete tyranny. That is the one fact we all need to realize. Teachers need to teach our children about our history, not this fictional story of how our country is systemically racist. Working hard for what you want is not racist. It builds character, and makes one appreciate what one has. 2. Individuals are either an oppressor or victim. You are predetermined by immutable characteristics such as race to fall into either category. Culture is defined by groups exercising power over each other. ​ My Answer: Dead wrong again. The only power play going on right now is Antifa and BLM pushing this Critical Race Theory down our throats. The Democratic Party is making the biggest power play in human history, so that they have all the power and control EVERY aspect of your life. They are not even the Democratic Party anymore, they are American Communist Marxists. Socialism, Marxism, Communism DO NOT WORK. History has played this hand time and time again to the tune of millions of people starving to death, being incinerated in cremation ovens, and gassed in large quantities to be thrown into unmarked, mass graves. ​ We need to teach our children to READ, WRITE and do ARITHMETIC, not give them a lifetime of a pity party because they are born of one race or another. In this capitalist society they have the opportunity to change the circumstances they were born into by working hard, educating themselves and keeping their families together. There are no sacred cows. 3. America is systemically racist and must be dismantled. It sees America as having been founded on the system of capitalism, which is racist, and therefore must be disrupted. ​ My Answer: How is Capitalism racist when it has lifted so many people out of poverty? We have lifted people out of poverty that have been there for centuries, due to their socialist/communist governments. Free markets and the ability to change your station in life is what capitalism is all about. Is it perfect? No, it is not perfect. But nothing in this life is perfect. You don't get something for nothing. You either work your butt off for it or you fail, until you do it again and do it right. If teachers fill our children's heads with this lying critical race theory, they will sentence them to a life time of poverty and slavery to the state governments that will determine everything they think, feel, eat, say, read or love. Sooner or later the middle class will be eliminated, and there will be no one left to tax and punish to give reparations to those who claim they deserve it. ​ Why would anyone want to be a victim? To think yourself incapable of making it on your own, becoming self sufficient. Do you really want to be depending on a government that lies to you all the time? A government that cheats in every election where your voice NEVER matters? A government that hates your country, hates you and everything you stand for? How depressing. That is what the Democratic party and this Critical Race Theory are offering you and your children.. The democratic congress, these Marxist people have stolen our money, our wealth, by taxing us to poverty, they have stolen our country, by cheating and lying and killing every thing that stands in their way of power, they have used our Constitution as toilet paper, and it is time we put a stop to their tyranny. ​ Teachers need to teach our children the U.S. Constitution. What it means, it's real history and how we arrived at the final draft and where we are today. They need to teach our children to have pride in the greatest country on earth. If America is so racist, why does everyone want to come here? Why are our borders being overwhelmed with refugees? Everyone wants to come to America, because it is the greatest country ever conceived. ​ This country was born of principals and ethics. A government was formed of “We the People”, by the people for the people. We are far from perfect, but we are the closest thing anyone has ever seen to Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all. I agree with Patrick Henry, “Give me Liberty! Or give me Death!” ​ ​ Comment Tracking Number: kom-68dj-5yyx Thank you! Your comment has been submitted to for review by the the Department Of Education.

Maylynn Hughes

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