Freedom of Speech
Freedom is not just a word written by men of integrity
Rather it is an ideal that must remain with intensity.
Every citizen has by our law, basic human rights.
Entirely left up to us as we control the fight,
Domination not allowed as to what religion we choose.
Opportunities to speak our minds after we pay our dues.
Money is not what we worship, as some would have us believe.
Of this right, we must assert our voice and not be deceived.
Founding fathers of this nation foresaw and knew
Suspicion of those in power keeping honor true;
Protesting their actions is our civic duty and our obligation.
Extraordinary we must always be in our law’s conservation
Every one of us needs to pay firm attention.
Closely watch their every move with contention
Honor our Bill of Rights an amendment to our constitution.
This is an acrostic for the words and first amendment to the constitution of the
United States of America, "Freedom of Speech"