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Excalibur - Fire
00:00 / 01:16
On this journey of spirit and Self;
As a warrior I claim mine own wealth!
Vibrations of my fate become clearer.
Activate life force, smoking mirror.
I see the Sword of Power;
Sunk deep within the stone.
Guarded well and protected;
Truth and light will be known.
Double edged to purify the positive.
Bestowing to me courage to really live.
Channels the tension...
Needing the offer of personal touch
It caresses my needs in such a rush.
Enjoy the delight
to choose what is right.
The force of deep faith
Element of strength!
‘Tis an upward catalyst
to grant thy desired wish.
Charges thy inner energies.
Illuminates thy effigies.
I thank thee of Faery
on this profound journey!
Never to abuse.
Given of Muse.
Power of insight to walk
the path of the Ancient Ones.
Joyously I accept this
charge with anticipation!
For this gift to facilitate--
to help guide mine own destined fate.
Blessed this Be!
By the Power of Three!
So Mote It Be!

Excalibur - Fire
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