Through the Mist
I try so very hard to find
Justified reasons in my mind
For the way our life has gone
And why we have set foot upon
This winding path of due
Our own answers are too few.
If I had chose
The path of gold
Refined and placid in my greed
Would I still find this road so steep?
If I had decided to comply
Believed their dogma, not asked why
Would my life be pretty and calm?
Would my heart be filled with song?
Sometimes I wonder why
I must continue to try
When the weight of the world is mine own
On this trail my spirit travels alone
I feel so beaten and defeated at times
Trials by fire, no rhythm nor rhyme
How long will it take for them to see?
How am I to change this chaotic dream?
Only the ripple can I affect
The wave is born hereto with respect
Would it be a life of bliss?
If I had chose not to see through the mist?