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In Two
In Two
00:00 / 01:21
"On my honor,
With my life,
I will not ever
Give up this fight!
I will always need
My precious flowers
As they grow and learn
And nothing has the power
To break our bond of love.
Unless I give in,
Admit defeat and
Therefore die because …"
She teetered on the brink
Of insanity complete.
Walking the tight rope
Of his conniving deceit.
A small tear found its way
From the corner of her eye
Rolled down her face
As she released a sigh.
Thinking of a touch
That was soft and tiny
Her child in her arms
Held very tightly.
She would not allow
This man to win,
Though the abyss
Gave her the option
Free from the searing pain.
There was nothing to gain
By granting this monster
The ability to gather
Her broken in pieces
From the floor …
Better she killed him
First and before
He could drive
His long knife
Deeper still
Taking her life.
She saw them within
Her minds eye
Heard her babies
Begin to cry.
She pulled herself up with
Her last ounce of strength,
Bringing her sword upward
Slicing his entire length.
In two.
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