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Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple (g)
00:00 / 00:52
Keep it simple.
Keep it sweet.
Keep it short.
Keep it neat.
This desert heat
Makes me hot and angry.
As ignorance blossoms
In complete disparity.
Nothing is easy, cheap or
Ever the way it seems.
Ambiguous, complicated
Destroys your dreams.
Them and Us, Us and Them
Is where all fear stems.
Growing in monstrous proportions,
Mountains from mole hill reactions.
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Keep it simple.
Keep it sweet.
Keep it short.
Keep it neat.
Mean what you say.
Say what you mean.
Integrity all the way
As you will be seen.
Life always finds a way
To continue to live,
If the heart remembers
To continue to give.
Help the helpless.
House the homeless.
Feed the Hungry.
End illiteracy.
Keep it simple.
Keep it sweet.
Keep it short.
Keep it neat.

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